Saturday, April 7

Vocabulary lists - 色 (colours)

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○ often used
● rarely used
*never encountered in real-life readings/conversation, but not impossible

 カーキ色 (~いろ)khaki(*)

 茶色 (ちゃいろ)brown(○)

 赤い(あかい) red(○)

 色(だいだいいろtangerine orange(●)

 オレンジ色(~いろ) orange(○)

 金色(きんいろ) gold(●)

 黄色(きいろ) yellow(○)

 黄緑(きみどり) light green(●)
 緑 (みどり)green(○)

 水色(みずいろ) light blue(●)

 そら空色(そらいろ) sky blue(*)

 青い (あおい)blue(○)

 コバルトブルー cobalt blue(*)

 紺色(こんいろ) dark blue(●)

 藍色(あいいろ) indigo(●)

 菫色(すみれいろ) violet(●)

 ライラック色(~いろ) lilac(*)

 紫 (むらさき)purple(○)

 ピンク色(~いろ) pink(○)

 桃色 (ももいろ)peach pink(●)

 白い (しろい)white(○)

 象牙色(ぞうげいろ) ivory, ecru(*)

 白金色 (はっきん)platinum(*)

 銀色(ぎんいろ) silver(●)

 灰色(はいいろ) ash grey(●)

 グレー色(~いろ) grey(○)

 鼠色(ねずみいろ)mouse grey(*)

 黒い(くろい) black(○)

 白黒 (しろくろ)black & white(○)

多彩な(たさいな) multicolour(●)

 濃い (こい)dark, intensive(○)

 薄い(うすい) light, pale(○)

x 無色 (むしょく)colourless(●)

If you can't see the characters above, please make sure you have Japanese language support installed. There are many webpages with tutorials showing how to add languages to your computer.

* Please, feel free to use, but don't claim as your own. If sharing on the webspace, please put the link back here. Thank you ! *

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