Saturday, February 9

Tokyo Jaunt, p.3: スカイツリーと花見 Sky Tree and Hanami 7/04/2012

Friends Forever - two best friends enjoying the weird Japanese sweets shaped like 竹の子take-no ko (top of the bamboo). We decided to call them szyszki, pine cones in Polish. Pink one was supposed to be strawberry flavour.
Setting off from Sensō-ji, in the direction of the magnificent Sky Tree

Hanami (flower viewing) on the river bank. Note the horribly blue foil spread underneath the trees (sitting space).

Golden poo, golden worm, or maybe a windswept candle? Futuristing design of Asahi Beer Hall by Phillip Stark proved still as puzzling as ever. 

It seemed to be so close, just behind the corner... Took us AGES to get close to it!

Hanami... I'm not a big fan of flowers of any kind, but there is a tear in my eye when I remember how pretty and pink it actually was there.

How much I wished I had a proper camera which would focus on the tree and 'smudge' the tree... Would have been a great picture.

When we finally found it, it really was impressively big. So big it didn't want to fit in for the picture!

Art in the service of recycling: an example what one could do with some waste and talent. It's important not to waste any talent. (huhuhu, sorry, couldn't resist a lame joke)

Isn't that beautifully subtle? (especially considering the material used?)

AHA! - bellowed my best friend upon noticing a kebab place. Apparently, the Turks had discovered the Land of the Blossoming Cherry.

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