Hello again, dear Readers (or: Tadaima!* - I'm back, an expression used when you return home),
I'm really sorry for disappearing so suddenly and for so long - but in my defense - it wasn't entirely my fault. One of the main contributors have been the good old uncle Google, who relentlessly tries to sqeeze its nasty adds for new more or less stupid innovations, updates and programs, and have you join all possible accounts with every possible website you ever visited, or even accidentally opened. As a result, every time I tried to quickly drop a line or two, I was welcomed by a weird screen that gave me a choice of something and something (don't ask, I couldn't even been bothered reading it through), and threatened me that unless I decided how I want to proceed from now on, I won't be able to access the content. Being my usually anxious and melancholic self, I decided that it wasn't urgent and withdrew, coming back occassionally and checking whether the problem solved itself on its own.
You see, maybe it's a result of my watching all these crazy science fiction
films from the seventies where computers came to life and sooner or later threatened the
humans with a plethora of endearingly choppy and 'einfach', if you let me borrow from German, special effects, I am a rather weird young person when it comes to technology. I am more Black Mirror than Apple. I love it and have usually nothing against it, but I am also very careful while using it. I have my little red netbook and I own a smartphone, but can't even figure out how to make a phone call sometimes, let alone upload pictures or browsing the internet. And speaking of the internet, I stay away from dodgy sites and always read the rules before clicking 'I accept', just in case. So suddenly having that almost Herculean choice in front of me (which path to take, easier or harder, left or right, blue or red pill), I decided to withdraw till I had time to solve the mystery of Blogger. And today a miracle happened - the problem resolved itself. I found my own Blogger screen at last, no strange join accounts with Google Plus or Minus - just an account and a few comments to moderate (thank you). Thank goodness!
So what's been going on with me? Not much, really. I had a pretty miserable, insuferably hot Japanese summer because of my certain - so I thought - 'friend'. You see, I'm a very private person. I'm also very loyal and devoted, and once I establish a relation, I literally am giving people my heart then. Yes, I do love these few Special People around me. Unfortunately, this time the person had a different idea about our friendship. Once she found herself a real girlfriend, she probably decided she needen't bother with me, or maybe didn't know how to deal with me anymore. She left me completely on an emotional dessert, ceasing any contact for days and weeks quicker than I could say 'Quidditch'. It really hurts when all of a sudden a person that used to spend a significant chunk of every day with you, talking and exchanging experiences, suddenly seems too busy to even say hi. But it's not the worst, one can survive that, especially that in the light of the new boyfriend/girlfriend appearing on stage, it's more than natural that all friends are put on a back line. The worst was emotional wall that she put in-between. You see, she somehow did find time to keep making new friends, however insinificant they were to her when we spoke about them before. She did have time to post some insignificant pictures on nobody's facebook walls, but if we finally managed to meet, she would not even listen to whatever I'd say, and needed two weeks to notice she has got an e-mail from me, and three more to reply. She used to say how she's got so many people around, but 97% of them would forget about her within a year. Well, the irony here is that she came across most loyal and loving me, and kind of dumped me. That's why it felt like such a smack to get rejected so suddenly.
I stayed in Japan till just after O-Bon (16-18 of August - it was great to experience it in Kyoto), and returned home on August 20. Since October I'm back in London, doing my final year Undergraduate and (gulp) writing my thesis and millions of more or less fascinating essays and translations on more or less useless subjects. As I still have countless pictures of Japan I've got to share with you (and a looming final dissertation deadline), I will be most likely be here more often than I should :)
Take care, and see you soon,
*You should reply Okaerinasai! (Welcome back!)
PS. Please, do watch Black Mirror if you have some time to spare. It shows how terribly wrong our love for technology can get us if we're not careful enough!
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